DetailScaleView review of Swann-Morton Retractaway Premium Blue

New knife from Swann-Morton. 

DetailScaleView review of Swann-Morton Retractaway Premium Blue by Mullin Viktor. 

Those of you who read build projects might have noticed that I usually use retracting knife from Swann-Morton. 

This can be explained with several reasons. 

First, this is a high-quality knife with excellent build quality. 

Second, it is a tool easy to work with, which comes handy in different situations. 

Nevertheless, time flies, and the manufacturer decided to upgrade this knife. As you can see in the main photo, the packaging remained the same, while almost all changes are implemented in the knife. 

The most noticeable one - colour of the handle. :) 

The first step before using the knife is to unpack one of the blades, which is included in the package. 

Next, you retract the holder to the furthest position and snap the blade onto it. Note that the manufacturer recommends doing it in gloves. 

Then you just slide the holder back, and the knife is ready to work. 

In total, there are 5 blades included, so you will have some backup in case the first blade damages. 

Modellers can find other blade types that are suitable for use with today's knife. 

The retracting system should make it easy to snap and change blades when you need it. 

On the final photo, you can see my old workhorse - grey knife, and the new model. 

Both should be an excellent choice for modellers, which might come in handy in different situations. 

Tools are one of the main components in our hobby, so I recommend you to check today's Retractaway Premium.

The review in full can be found on Detail Scale View here

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