Jacqui Saunders-Love paper sculptures
Introducing Jacqui
In a recent interview with the BBC, paper sculptor Jacqui Saunders-Love revealed how her fantastical reinterpretations of existing architecture are both an expression of her fine art skills, and also a source of respite from the everyday duties of being a carer.
Her work is entirely made of paper, and, though not to scale, have a visual logic and sense of proportion creating -in her most recent work – living, breathing evocations of fairy tales as visually appealing as they are unsettling. Swann-Morton 10a blades and their sturdy handle are crucial to her work in allowing Jacqui to effectively draw with the scalpel creating fluid, clean lines, and sharp detail.
Jacqui carries her enthusiasm for the scalpel into the classroom in her other role as Head of Art at Mark Rutherford School in Bedford, teaching her students the safety and creative benefits of a sharper blade. And, as well as enthusing the next wave of British creatives, Jacqui is currently investigating how to scale up work in a theatrical and environmental setting.
You can discover more examples of her work at her website: jacquisaunderslove.com